Once you know how to count cards in blackjack you are ready for advanced strategy, where the basic rules of blackjack no longer apply. The following five tips are used by the best card counters in blackjack, and now you too can use their closely guarded blackjack strategies to win! Check out topcasinoguide.co.uk for best online casinos and bonuses!
Play #1
There Is A Time And A Place For Insurance.
When the dealer is showing an Ace we generally avoid taking insurance because more often than not this decision costs money. But if you’re a card counter and you know that the deck is very positive (lots of 10s left) it becomes a profitable play to take insurance!
If the count is +4 or higher you should take insurance against that pesky Ace
Play #2
When To Stand With The Dreaded 16.
Those blackjack players with a rudimentary knowledge of the game know that they have to hit when face with a total of 16 against the dealer if the dealer is showing anything from 7 to an A as the upcard. But what they don’t know is that when the count is positive, even if there is only 1 more 10 card left than normal (when the count is 0), you should stand on 16 against a dealers 10! The statistics do not lie – this is a more profitable play than taking a card, which has a higher likelihood of being a 10 and busting you.
Do not take a card when you’re showing 16 against a 10 upcard if the count is +1 or higher.
Play #3
Standing with 15 against a 10 upcard.
This is a similar play to the one above. Most of us blindly take a card when we’re put in this uncomfortable position, but once again if the count is high enough the correct play becomes to stand with 15. In this case a higher count is required compared to when you are in the 16 vs. 10 position, but as long as the count is +4 or higher you should not draw a card to the 10 upcard.
Stand on 15 against the dealer’s 10 when the count is higher than or equal to +4
Play #4
Splitting 10s. Say it ain’t so!
You’ve seen it many times before, but usually it’s the drunkard with the annoying laugh who is doing it: splitting 10s and having a high-old time. What a loser, you think. But there are certain instances when this is a great play to make, namely when the dealer is showing a 6. The dealer is already in the worst possible spot here. And, if there happen to be an abundance of 10s left in the deck the dealer is in such a bad position that you should maximize chances by splitting your 20. First of all, the dealer is likely to bust with all those 10s in the shoe. Second, you are likely to hit more 20s with your split 10s. But be warned, sober one, you should only do this when the count is +5 or greater.
Split 10s against a dealer’s 6 when the count is +5 or more
Play #5
Splitting 10s when faced with a 5.
The same rules apply to this highly aggressive and unusual blackjack strategy. You need a juicy count with plenty of 10s to come. We would actually advise a count of +6 at the minimum for this play to be profitable in the long run, but you’re basically looking at a bust from the dealer here.
Split 10s versus the 5 upcard if the count is +6 or greater.